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Studio AR Framework

Features AR Scanning

Studio AR Framework

IKEA Studio AR SDK is an intelligent Augmented Reality solution that enables IKEA to incorporate a new immersive experience into their mobile app shopping experience and leverage the SDK as a standalone app. The AR experience moves IKEA from placing a single piece of furniture in a room’s context to give the user the capabilities of designing rooms with several thousand of IKEAs products. 

The AR solution can detect and recognize the physical objects and thereby apply the intelligence of only placing a product in the correct context. I.e. making sure that you don’t place a vase in the physical couch. It’s possible to design a full room, but also re-enter into one, so yourself or relatives etc. can re-experience your design of the room. The IKEA Studio AR framework therefore lifts IKEA’s AR offering from being a product placement capability to become a true design tool for everyone.